
自2015 尼泊爾大地震後,人口販賣在短短一年上升了34%。 住在偏遠鄉村的孩子,特別那些出身在低種姓* 「賤民」家庭,家境生活十分貧窮,缺乏受教育的機會,孩子很容易成為人口販子欺騙及剝削目標。 為了生活,他們很多時由4 -5歲開始便要在磚工廠工作,每天由早上4時開始工作至晚上9時,生活十分艱苦。 有些更會被人口販子透過 、綁架、感情欺騙,被販賣去印度或其他國家。

在人口販子手上被救回的孩子,大多會被安排入住當地的人口販賣庇護中心接受教育,但當孩子成長到14、15歲,就要開始準備離開中心,為將來的生活,就業及持續教育作籌備。可惜,大多數孩子因為家境貧窮,不能繼續升學,再加上缺乏對世界經濟、就業市場的認識,離開中心後的生活,困難重重。 很多時,他們會因此再跌入人口販賣的威脅裡。 我們希望能夠為這一班人口販賣中倖存的孩子提供持續學習、就業培訓的機會,讓他們能夠融入社會,自力更新,永遠脫離貧窮及販賣的循環。

Since the magnitude 7.5 earthquake hit Nepal in 2015, human trafficking has increased by 34% on average per year. Children living in remote villages, especially those born into lower castes* like the Dalit, have no choice but live a tough life. Family poverty, low social status and lack of education increases the difficulties of their survival, easily becoming targets of traffickers. In order to sustain themselves and their families, they are often forced to work in brick factories from the age of 4 – 5 years old, working 15-17 hours every day from 4 am to 9 pm.  Some children are even trafficked to India or other countries through kidnappings, deception of a better future, family debt or fake arranged marriages.

Most children who have been rescued are settled into local human trafficking victim shelters. They will receive education and basic caring during their stay in the shelter, but by the time they reach the age of 14-15, they are expected to find work and leave the shelters to allow for more victims to be housed. Because of a lack of economic ability, and trauma caused by their past experiences, their life beyond the shelter often becomes very challenging. They need continued education and employment training so as to sustain a life. Without caring, employment opportunities, and economic ability, these children whom were rescued will be vulnerable to falling in the many traps of traffickers again. We hope to provide these children with education and employment opportunities in order to break them and their next generations free from the cycle of Human Trafficking.